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Anxiety & the Peace of God Six Biblical Cures for Worry, Stress, and Inner Turmoil

Anxiety & the Peace of God Six Biblical Cures for Worry, Stress, and Inner Turmoil

$16.99eBook: $6.99Audiobook: $9.89

Following the Shepherd to Quiet Waters

Biblical Instruction on How to
* Rewire Your Brain
* Relax Your Body
* Renew Your Mind
* Restore Your Soul

Learn God’s purpose for anxiety.

That’s right—God created stress hormones on purpose. They are a gift from God. But anxiety can also ruin your life. Learning how to leverage your anxiety to your advantage is the first step to finding peace.

Imagine having ten different crises crashing down on your life and being able to handle them with controlled thoughts, a good mood, and a relaxed body.

God promises to lead us beside quiet waters, make us lie down in green pastures, quiet us with his love, and give us peace. So why are there millions who can never seem to find those quiet waters? Many Christians have prayed desperately for peace from God but remain plagued with runaway thoughts, inner turmoil, or worry.

Peace comes when you understand the six spiritual causes of anxiety and the six “miracle cures” God gives for them in his Word.

Will you need all six? Probably not. Each spiritual cause of anxiety has its own cure. You may only have one or two of the six types of spiritual anxiety, which means you’ll only need the one or two cures for those types.

Are you tired of coping techniques that, at best, put a temporary stay on chaotic feelings? You can train your emotions to stop bullying you and start serving you.

You’ll learn how to

  • Gain control of spiraling thoughts and feelings
  • Find the spiritual root causes of your anxiety
  • Use your anxiety to help you draw nearer to God
  • Find freedom from fear
  • Increase your faith
  • Become a man or woman of courage, joy, and self-control

Don’t stay in the grip of anxiety another day. Click buy now and begin enjoying the tranquility of God’s presence today.


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Deeper Knowledge of God

Deeper Knowledge of God

$16.99eBook: $3.99

It’s nice to review the basics—God is powerful, good, and wise. But transformation comes from knowing God deeply.

David sang, danced, and shouted for joy over his love for God. But what if you don’t feel that kind of emotion? We all know what it’s like to gain biblical information but remain unchanged. Each of the daily readings in Deeper Knowledge of God highlights one of 76 attributes of God and explores how to experience that aspect of his character in a way to generates real, life-changing joy.

The topical index enables you to pinpoint which attributes of God speak to your specific needs Struggle with anxiety? Depression? Fear? Joylessness? The answer to every one of our spiritual problems is found in a deeper experience of certain facets of God’s glory that dispel that particular form of darkness.

Order your copy today and immerse yourself in truths about God that will captivate your mind, thrill your emotions, and change the course of your life.

* Formerly published under the title What's So Great About God?,

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Wise Counsel: Applying God’s Word to Life’s Problems

Wise Counsel: Applying God’s Word to Life’s Problems

$3.99eBook: $3.99

Is the Word of God sufficient for dealing with common problems--worry, depression, panic attacks, addiction, or bipolar disorder? Does the Bible even address these conditions? How do you know if a problem is spiritual or psychological or physical? When is professional help needed? This book addresses each of these questions through a careful study of Scripture.

How much training does it take to be able to offer wise counsel to people with serious problems? Not as much as you might think. Whether you are a brand new Christian or have counseled people for years, this book will help you

• discern which parts of a problem are spiritual and which are not

• translate the problem into biblical terms

• find real solutions from God’s Word

Wise Counsel explains how to confront sin with humility and gentle firmness and how to show Christlike compassion to those who are suffering. It will show you how to edify and build up a person who comes to you with problems ranging from mild anxiety to a major crisis. The principles in this book will equip you to offer wise counsel to someone who is struggling – even if that someone is you!

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Delight Yourself  in God: A 20-Day Devotional on Four Surprising Attributes of God. Practical Steps for Drawing Near to God and Increasing Your Love for Him Updated and Revised

Delight Yourself in God: A 20-Day Devotional on Four Surprising Attributes of God. Practical Steps for Drawing Near to God and Increasing Your Love for Him Updated and Revised

$3.99eBook: Free

The “18-inch miss.” It’s when truths about God lodge in your mind but fail to stir your heart. The book of Psalms is loaded with insights on how to cure this malady.

What does it feel like to enjoy God’s presence? The Bible uses emotional language like, "Delight yourself in the LORD." But what if you don't feel those emotions?

Delight Yourself in God will show you the path to renewed passion for God and stoke the fires of your delight in Christ.

This volume is a sample of the larger volume, Deeper Knowledge of God which is the result of a two-year deep dive into the Psalms to answer those questions that revolutionized the author’s life. Delight Yourself in God contains the first 20 meditations from the larger volume. It focuses on four crucial attributes of God:

    • God’s Presence
    • God as food and drink
    • God as filler of all things
    • God’s superiority to earthly pleasures

Each day’s reading focuses on how understanding and experiencing these attributes of God can awaken emotions such as delight, joy, hope, peace, and many others.

Get your copy today and take your delight in God deeper than ever before!

NOTE: If you downloaded this volume prior to 1/29/22, you must delete your outdated version before you can get the new version.

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Lost in Prayer

Lost in Prayer

$11.99eBook: $2.99Audiobook: $17.46
We long for a deeper experience of God’s presence, but it’s hard. Our minds wander and prayer becomes … well … boring.
Lost in Prayer is more than a devotional. It’s a tool for guided prayer and meditation on God’s Word for enjoyable, satisfying communion with God. More than just a daily reading, the questions will stimulate your thoughts to enable you to think deeply. And the prayer prompts will keep your conversation with God moving in fresh, intriguing ways.
Each day has five sections …
Prepare  (Scriptures that will help place your

spirit in a good posture for

approaching God)

Meditate  (The passage for the day with

questions to help you think deeply

about the meaning and the

implications for your life)

Pray for Others (Prompts to pray for family,

friends, enemies, authorities,

the lost, and your church.)

Thanksgiving (Guides for how to increase your

​                          joy through gratitude)

Take it With You (Call to select one thought

from the day’s devotional to

carry with you through the

​                              day)​​

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Escape from Paradise: A Christian Adventure Novel

Escape from Paradise: A Christian Adventure Novel

$13.99eBook: $4.99Audiobook: $13.95

He thought it was paradise. Was he wrong?

Torn from his family, Adam lands in a world of giants, wild animals, and marauding mountain people. Unable to find his way home, he discovers an alluring paradise—a golden city where he builds a new life, safe from the terrors outside the walls.

But when the city begins to crumble, Adam asks forbidden questions to discover why—and how he can stop it.

Then a chance encounter with a strange little girl changes everything.

She claims to know why he was brought into this world and the way back to his family. She insists he leave the doomed city and follow her to the high country to join the mountain people.

Squeezed between the collision of two kingdoms, Adam must decide. Should he risk everything and follow the girl? Or is she one of the many spies, sent to lure him into a trap?

With plenty of action, mystery, and suspense, Escape from Paradise will take you places you’ve never been and open windows of insight into life in the kingdom of God.

Order your copy today and become lost in a world of biblical truth.

The Bible Study Guide Companion to Escape from Paradise is now available! Find out more ...

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At War with the Wind: The Fight for Abigail

At War with the Wind: The Fight for Abigail

$10.45eBook: $2.45Audiobook: $12.99

A journey of faith. A fight for redemption. Can they conquer external and internal forces to follow the way to freedom?

Watson is stunned that his sister abandoned her family and joined the enemy. So even as she accepts defeat, he’s determined to overcome every obstacle and stage a daring rescue. But as he and his friends stride forth, powerful foes send epic floods to drown all hope.

Abigail knows she made a terrible mistake and fights to escape the tainted paradise strangling her soul. But just when freedom seems within reach, the rescue effort takes a catastrophic turn. As Abigail struggles to find her way back to the light, she is pulled even further into the enemy’s iron grip.

Her last hope is her brother. But as Watson forges ahead to liberate Abigail, he battles twisted spirits, deadly attacks, and crushing failure.

Can Abigail free herself from her own lethal cravings and restore her joy?

At War with the Wind: The Fight for Abigail is the thought-provoking second and final book in the Walk with the Wind Christian fantasy series. If you like stalwart characters, action and suspense, and deep themes, then you’ll love D. Richard Ferguson’s allegorical conclusion.

Buy At War with the Wind and take your own adventure in faith today!


"Chapter 21 was the most beautiful thing I have ever listened to. It moved me at such a deep level I cried! I listened to it 3 times and it made me cry every time!" – reader comment
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Bible Study Guide Companion to Escape from Paradise

Bible Study Guide Companion to Escape from Paradise

$11.00eBook: $4.99

Escape from Paradise stands alone as a novel, but adventure unfolds into an allegory illustrating over 1000 passages of Scripture. This guide explores all those biblical truths with thought-provoking study questions.

Discipling a new believer? Focus on the questions in bold. You’ll cover all the essentials of the gospel and Christian living.

Leading a small group or Bible study? Grab the Leader’s Guide and pick and choose the discussion questions best suited to draw out discussion in your group.

Personal Bible study? Look up the passages for each question and, by the end of the study, you’ll have a rich command of how to live the Christian life and a thorough knowledge of Christian doctrine.

Haven’t read the novel? Don’t worry. This resource is designed for everyone, regardless of whether you’ve read Escape from Paradise. The novel simply brings the biblical truths into living color.

Order your copy today and prepare to be enriched, challenged, and changed.

For the Leader's Guide Edition, click here.

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Leader’s Guide for the Escape from Paradise Bible Study

Leader’s Guide for the Escape from Paradise Bible Study

$14.95eBook: $4.99

The Study Guide companion to the #1 Amazon bestseller Escape from Paradise is a resource for small groups, discipleship, or personal Bible study. This volume is the Leader's Guide. It contains the author's answers to each of the questions.

Please do not think of these as the "right" answers. Many of the questions could be answered in numerous correct ways.

Escape from Paradise stands alone as a novel, but adventure unfolds into an allegory illustrating over 1000 passages of Scripture. This guide explores all those biblical truths with thought-provoking study questions.

Discipling a new believer? Focus on the questions in bold. You’ll cover all the essentials of the gospel and Christian living.

Leading a small group or Bible study? Grab this Leader’s Guide and pick and choose the discussion questions best suited to draw out discussion in your group.

Personal Bible study? Look up the passages for each question and, by the end of the study, you’ll have a rich command of how to live the Christian life and a thorough knowledge of Christian doctrine.

Haven’t read the novel? Don’t worry. This resource is designed for everyone, regardless of whether you’ve read Escape from Paradise. The novel simply brings the biblical truths into living color.

Order your copy today and prepare to be enriched, challenged, and changed.

For the Study Guide, click here.

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Hannah’s Prayer: Dawn from Desolation

Hannah’s Prayer: Dawn from Desolation

$0.99eBook: $0.99Audiobook: $0.99
Barren, tormented by a rival wife, a walking curse, Hannah embarks on a journey of hope—a plan that, if it works, could change everything.
But when a confrontation with the corrupt priesthood turns her plans on their head, she’s pushed to the brink.
A story of courage, repentance, desperation, and hope, Hannah’s Prayer shows how God uses the darkness of our despair to display the brilliance of his glory.
Download today and let God build your faith as you escape into the world of ancient Israel on the brink of destruction and watch God use one woman’s anguish to save his people and prepare the way for the most important man in the Old Testament.
If you like biblical historical fiction, you’ll love Hannah’s Prayer.
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Sarah’s Gift

Sarah’s Gift

Sarah's Gift is a modern-day parable about the use of spiritual gifts illustrating the principles of Romans 12:6-8 and Matthew 24:45-51.

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