Bob Chapek, CEO of Disney has a brilliant strategy for indoctrinating young children with perverted ideas of sexuality.

The Battle for Your Children’s Hearts

The LGBTQ+ activists want to talk to 4-year-olds about sex. And they want to do it in schools where parents won’t know what’s being said.

In response, Florida passed a bill forbidding that, creating a firestorm on the left. It’s very, very important to the activists that they be allowed to teach their ideas about sexual orientation to very young children in schools.


Their strategy is to label it the “Don’t say gay” bill, even though there’s nothing in the bill about banning any particular words. A better title would be the “Don’t talk to our kids about sex at all” bill.

And, as usual, the activists are applying pressure on corporations to apply pressure against the bill. They were outraged that the normally reliable CEO of Disney failed to support their cause.

Disney’s Strategy

Chapek’s response was to announce that he is in full agreement with the activists but believes there is a better strategy. Rather than advancing the sexual revolution through legislation, he believes a more effective approach would be to indoctrinate children through movies and other children’s programming. By portraying homosexuality, trangenderism, and other perversions favorably in stories, he can change the attitudes of an entire generation.

He’s right.

The Crucial Role of Fiction

If you write fiction, I highly recommend the book, How to Write Dynamite Scenes. If you don’t write fiction, I still strongly recommend you read the first chapter of that book. The author explains the role stories play in our lives.

Movies and novels are written to make you identify with the protagonist. Skilled fiction writing will make you place yourself in the main character’s shoes to the point where you will feel the emotions that character experiences.

This is important because the effect is to create what the author calls “emotional muscle memory.” When we face difficult or dangerous situations, the way we handle it is dictated in large measure by the emotional muscle memory you have developed throughout your life from the stories you have read, watched, and listened to.

Fiction has staggering power to shape attitudes, beliefs and lifestyle. And most of it happens without us even realizing it.

The world has known this for ages. If you watch what comes out of Hollywood, you’ll know exactly how our culture will be shaped a couple decades from now. They are incredibly skilled in their use of story to advance their agenda.

Christian Fiction

Christians, on the other hand, have underused this crucial tool. Even though the Bible is loaded with stories, and Jesus often used fictional stories to teach, my observation is that the body of powerful, attitude-changing Christian fiction is far too small.

This is mainly because of simple math. There are far more skilled secular fiction writers simply because there are far more unbelievers than believers. Still, I believe the church could do a far better job in this area. This is why I devoted 4 years of my life to writing the novels, Escape from Paradise, and At War with the Wind: the Fight for Abigail.

If you like to tell stories, I would urge you to learn the basics of storytelling and write stories that will not just capture our imagination, but sanctify it.

For Authors:

A great place to start is How to Write Dynamite Scenes Using the Snowflake Method by Randy Ingermanson.

I also recommend K.M. Weiland’s podcast, Helping Writers Become Authors. Start with the episodes listed on the left column of her webpage—especially the series on story structure. I found episodes 569-571 especially helpful.