Most people think emotion is something that just happens to you. You can’t do much about it. The best you can do with your emotions is to manage them. That’s not true. You can change them. Today we’ll find out how. ***** “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever...
How do you know for sure Christianity is true? What if you’re just accepting what you were always taught just like everyone else in the world? One of the most powerful proofs of the Christian faith to strengthen your faith and destroy doubt is James 1:1. “James, a...
Bob Chapek, CEO of Disney has a brilliant strategy for indoctrinating young children with perverted ideas of sexuality. The Battle for Your Children’s Hearts The LGBTQ+ activists want to talk to 4-year-olds about sex. And they want to do it in schools where...
“James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes dispersed among the nations: Greetings” (James 1:1). The book of James was written by one of Jesus’ brothers. But when he introduces himself, he doesn’t bother mentioning that. Why do you...
Chapter 21 Meanings I’m No Murderer The chapter opens with Adam terrified of the Ruler’s justice and striving to justify himself on the basis that he hadn’t acted on his murderous thoughts. Yet his guilt remained. This illustrates Jesus’ teaching that sins of the...
The Definition of Maturity Maturity is when you go from living by feelings to living for feelings. A child (or an immature adult) lives by feelings. He has an impulse, and he acts on it. He feels like putting something in his mouth, so he puts it in his mouth. He...
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