For the audio or video version of this post, click here. The Shooting Gina Montalto, a beautiful 14-year-old girl, member of the marching band winter guard at school, woke up on a Wednesday morning, Valentine’s Day, got up, got dressed, and headed off to school. She...
How do you pray hard about something? You might start out, “Please God, please, please, please . . . ” But then what? Using Your Anxiety Begin by asking, what are your one or two greatest anxieties right now? Carve out some extended time to pray hard about those two...
James 1:2 “Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds.” How do you consider it pure joy when everything’s going wrong? Self-Pity The opposite of God’s command in James 1:2 is a deadly spiritual disease called self-pity. God says consider...
You can always expect clear, very practical advice from Kevin Leman. Sometimes psychologists’ theories are so speculative, they lack any practical value. And because they are so dependent on theories about childhood trauma or other intangible factors, they are...
Should You Choose the Best Option? NOTE: If you prefer to listen rather than read, click here. Do you know what God’s will is for you over the next 24 hours? There are many good options. Are any of them okay? Or does God want you to discover the best possible use of...
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