The Blog
Blog posts on diverse topics, biblical insights, and the most popular episodes from
the Food For Your Soul Podcast by Dr. D. Richard Ferguson
For articles by Dr. Ferguson on various topics see the Articles page
My Strained Relationship with Young Me
I have a bone to pick with young me. The teenage version of me had a lot of fun playing the trumpet in jazz band, but now middle-aged me has to wear hearing aids. On the other hand, I do appreciate younger me’s choice in a wife and career. Thank you for that, 20-year-old Richard.
Set Your Mind on Things Above
Why Is Behavior So Hard to Change? Jesus said, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41). Why is that? Why do we have so much trouble getting our bodies to do what our spirit desires? When I know my life would be so much better if I could just...
Escape from Paradise Chapter 11 Study Questions
Chapter 11 Meanings Being Taken Watson’s face goes white at the news that his dear sister has been “taken.” Being taken by the little ones represents becoming captive to sin. Paul refers to our former life as unbelievers as the time when we were slaves to sin (Romans...
The Death of Heroes
Hero stories are out of fashion in the secular world, yet there is still a market for them among Christians. This reveals a key difference in worldviews.
Escape from Paradise: Interpreting the Allegory (Chapters 7-10)
Chapter 7 There are no new points of analogy in chapter seven. Chapter 8 The Desire for the Little one’s Approval Adam’s desire for the little ones’ approval represents our desire to be respected by the world. Especially, in our culture, in the academic/scientific...
Escape from Paradise: Interpreting the Allegory (chapters 5-6)
This is the discussion page for chapters 5-6 of the novel, Escape from Paradise. 1) The Wind The wind represents the Holy Spirit. Both the Greek and Hebrew words for “spirit” are also the words for “wind” or “breath.” Of the three persons in the Trinity, the Holy...