The Blog

Blog posts on diverse topics, biblical insights, and the most popular episodes from
the Food For Your Soul Podcast by Dr. D. Richard Ferguson

For articles by Dr. Ferguson on various topics see the Articles page

Chapter 7 Spiritual Executive Function

Chapter 7 Spiritual Executive Function

Left to themselves, anxious feelings and thoughts will rage out of control. But God has given us a secret weapon to reign them in. Spiritual executive function. Executive Function In chapter five we discussed the executive function of the brain, which has power to...

Chapter 6 Train Your Emotions

Chapter 6 Train Your Emotions

Your body will “believe” something is real when it experiences that thing—whether in reality or through imagination. To help yourself really believe truths you’re finding hard to believe, activate your emotional brain with biblical imagination. Imagine vivid scenes in which the truth you want to believe plays out dramatically.

Chapter 4: The Fireproof Heart: Finding the Peace of God

Chapter 4: The Fireproof Heart: Finding the Peace of God

Imagine how much better equipped you would be to face the day’s troubles if your first conscious thoughts were on God. Instead of groping your night stand for your phone first thing, let your heart grope heavenward to wake up to God’s presence. Let your first conscious thoughts be a personal exchange with the one who watched over you all night.

Anxiety & The Peace of God Pt.3 Bad Anxiety

Anxiety & The Peace of God Pt.3 Bad Anxiety

We can conceive of what calmness feels like. We can imagine a relaxed vacation, job security, money in the bank, high self-confidence, the ability to sleep like a baby. This world offers countless remedies for anxiety, but what God promises here goes far beyond anything in this world. It exceeds anything we can even understand or imagine.