About D. Richard Ferguson (B.A., M.S.L., D.R.S.)
Richard’s books are the fruit of nearly 3 decades of pastoral ministry and biblical counseling, formal seminary training, and a deep, lifelong passion for God’s Word … and a whole lot of time in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
Psalm 19 speaks of the two books of God’s Word—Scriptures and the creation. Richard loves both.
As a professional whitewater rafting guide, Richard took paddle crews through everything from class I (mild floats trips) to dangerous class V expeditions.
His river guiding mirrors his writing and preaching. His approach could be called class V joy—taking you deeper into the joy of the Lord than you’ve ever gone before.

After graduating from Moody Bible Institute, Richard spent the next 27 years serving as a youth pastor, senior pastor, church planter, and the host of the popular Food For Your Soul radio broadcast. (His Master of Sacred Literature and Doctor of Religious studies degrees also came along the way.)
Now Richard’s focus is on writing—both fiction and nonfiction and hosting the daily Food For Your Soul podcast.
Richard and his wife Tracy live in Colorado where they enjoy their six grandchildren and the wonders of God’s creation.
The clearest view into Richard’s heart is through his sermons. From childhood, Richard’s passion has been the expository preaching and teaching of God’s Word.
Pastor Darrell Ferguson, Darrell Ferguson pastor
Book Dr. Ferguson for Your Event
Dr. Ferguson is available for pulpit supply, men’s, women’s and family retreats, conferences, leadership training seminars, classes, coaching, and special events.
Speaking Topics
Loving God with all Your Heart
Jesus said this is the most important topic there is. So why is it so neglected?
There is far more to loving God than mere obedience and commitment. We must also take delight in God. But how do you create feelings that aren’t there? Or boost weak affections? Learn how to enjoy attributes of God in a way that stokes the fires of your delight in him on an hourly basis.
This is Dr. Ferguson’s most popular speaking topic.
Using God’s Power to Break Free from Addiction (or any troublesome habit)
Too often, the world has approached this issue by repackaging the world’s techniques and adding some Bible verses. But only God has the power to fundamentally change the heart. And God has shown us how to gain access to that power in his Word for lasting change.
The Peace of God: Finding Sweet Rest in a High Stress World
God calls himself “The God of Peace,” and he promises peace that surpasses understanding. But why is it so hard to find in troubling times? Learn how to gain control over runaway thoughts and find God as a true refuge in a chaotic and dangerous world.
Me? A Counselor? God’s Plan for Dispensing Grace through Regular People
Our culture has relegated counseling to the professionals. But God designed each believer with a unique ability to dispense his grace to others. Learn how to discover your grace “superpowers” to build up the saints—even saints with big problems.
Basic Bible Interpretation
If you misinterpret the Bible, the ideas that come from that are not God’s Word. Accurate interpretation is critical. But with so many different interpretations, how can you know if yours is right? Learn how to use the knowledge of language you already use every day to help you gain confidence in understanding the meaning of God’s Word.
How to Teach the Bible
Most Bible teachers can listen to a preacher on the radio for a few minutes and know how skilled that preacher is. This session shows lay teachers as well as seasoned pastors how to use that simple skill to improve their teaching exponentially, using their unique gifts.
Gospel Foundations
Everything we do in the Christian life rests on the foundation of the gospel. So a shallow understanding of the gospel will weaken every part of spiritual growth. This message will fortify the believer’s understanding of the essential truths of the faith and invite unbelievers to come to the Lord on his terms.
God has not called us to a Christianity that feels burdensome. He called us to a live of joy. This message lays out clear steps to move from dial-tone emotions to genuine, heartfelt happiness in the Lord.
Dr. Ferguson has talks on a variety of marriage topics including …
What to do when you’re at an impasse
Reconciling after a fight
How to help your spouse grow in the Lord
Pleasing God in the marriage bed
How to forgive
Finding Your Calling
Bakers are the mask God wears when he feeds the world. And you are the mask God wears when he … (learn how to finish that sentence in a way that will fill you with joy and give you direction and confidence in your life).
Food For Your Soul Podcast
A daily 10-minute breakfast for your soul
The Sermon Archive
Hundreds of audio, video, and manuscript downloads
Biblical Counseling
God’s solutions to our problems